“AIs and robots will take over most of the jobs in the world by 2030. Climbing a corporate ladder right now is basically a suicide mission. Are you worried about the future?”


I admit! I am one who is concerned about the future. That’s why I started an online business in hope to secure a financial future for myself and my family. I urge you to do the same.

Hi, my name is Jack Cao from Singapore, and I’ve shared lots of helpful content about building Online Business with WordPress on my YouTube channel and on this blog.

The core reason I openly share my knowledge and experience is because I want to inspire you to start a business of your own.

Fear of the future Led Me Here

An old lady once told me this when I was 25…

“I didn’t plan to be a cleaning lady earning $4.50 per hour at 65 years old when I was 25. I thought my future was bright.”

She goes on to say…

“I had no choice but to do this job because I don’t have any qualifications, and I need to feed myself. My kids barely earned enough to feed themselves.”

That made me wonder…

Being a chrono-phobic, I started to think of myself and my generation, and I thought that we are safe because we have the education and qualifications.

But, as I studied further about AI and Robots, I started to fear.

I feared because…

  • Our educational background and qualifications, that we worked so hard to acquire today, will mean nothing in the future.
  • What we’ve prepared for, a better education, a better job, a better life, will be gone in the next 10 to 20 years, as a result of AIs and Robots.
  • I imagined myself climbing a corporate ladder, reaching the top at 40 years old, only to be retrenched or put out of work, and have to accept a mediocre life thereafter.

At that point, it will be too late, I can never climb another corporate ladder.

I’ll just be like the cleaning lady telling the next generation, “I didn’t plan to be (what I am doing), I thought I had a bright future.”

Worst, there might not even have a cleaning job in the future. What will be “work” for the poor and helpless in the future?

And that feared me the most. Not for myself and my family, but for everyone I come across.

That’s why I decided not to work for someone else, but to take control of my financial future.

And I hope leading by example, I can inspire you to take control of your future before it is too late.

My Online Business Journey

Honestly, whoever claims that starting an online business, or making money online, is easy, is ought to be shot!

During my time, there are tons of adverts and promos claiming that you can make this much money in a couple of weeks, and obviously, I fell for some of them.

Well, there are so many things that happened, but to cut the long story short, I found a direction.

I decided earlier on that to find success, I have to go through the long and tough journey that every successful entrepreneur did.

So, I worked my butt off on my online business, while still holding a full-time job.

Thinking back, life was extremely tough.

I had to remove myself from almost all entertainment to squeeze out some extra time, and I slept between 5 to 6 hours a day, waking up at 5am consistently for over a year…

I’m glad it paid off. Here’s the timeline of my journey…

February 4, 2014

Started My Online Business

February 4, 2014
May 3, 2014

Thought of Quitting

Fatigue sets in. Have been waking up at 5am consecutively for over 3 months now, but still see no results

May 3, 2014
May 26, 2014

Made My First Dollar Online

To be exact, it was $8.00. There was nothing to celebrate. Three and a half months of hard work but made only $8.00. However, I know I was onto something.

May 26, 2014
February 4, 2015

First Year Anniversary

Made exactly $3,128.00. Not enticing at all given 1 year of blood, sweat, and tears.

February 4, 2015
December 31, 2015

For The Year 2015

I made $20,574.00. Not bade for a side hustle.

December 31, 2015
December 31, 2016

For The Year 2016

I made $39,181.00. Quite a big improvement. I’ve doubled the income made in 2015. Practically a full-time income on the side. *Pat on the shoulder

December 31, 2016
August 20, 2017

Quit My Full-Time Job

Huge Milestone achieved: My side income is doubled of my full-time salary. Hence, my time should be spent on where the money is.

August 20, 2017
December 31, 2017

For The Year 2017

Affiliate Income #1: $62,151.00
Affiliate Income #2: 506.21
Affiliate Income #3: 154.20
Affiliate Income #4: 324.50
Total Income Earned: $63,135.91

December 31, 2017
December 31, 2018

For The Year 2018

Affiliate Income #1: $81,690.00
Affiliate Income #2: $5,306.00
Affiliate Income #3: $8,946.43
Affiliate Income #4: $422.00
Affiliate Income #5: $568.10
Affiliate Income #6: $1,934.46
Affiliate Income #7: $1,176.00
Affiliate Income #8: $14,610.88
Total Income Earned: $114,653.87

December 31, 2018
December 31, 2019

For The Year 2019

Affiliate Income #1: $51,560.50
Affiliate Income #2: $6,994.67
Affiliate Income #3: $630.50
Affiliate Income #4: $279.50
Affiliate Income #5: $275.31
Affiliate Income #6: $520.00
Affiliate Income #7: $1,321.59
Total Income Earned: $61,306.76

December 31, 2019

I’ll be sharing more of my story when the time is right because a lot has shifted since then, but the moral of the story is…

I didn’t know that it was possible when I started!

Had I quit at month 3, I would never have seen results like this. Don’t believe the above numbers are real? Check this out:

I hope my results can inspire you to take the leap of faith. It is truly possible if you work hard under good guidance.

A Job that is Worthwhile

The most fulfilling part of starting an online business was the opportunity to inspire others on the internet to build their online business.

Below are some people whom I’ve met online:

Awesome Masterclass. I learnt so much. I’ve watched your first one twice and will watch your second one again as there is so much pure information. It answered so many questions and I loved the blueprint. Now I just have to work out my story and how to present it with some pictures.
Lily Munday
Pure genius! So glad you are my mentor, please keep feeding us stuff like this.
It’s just amazing! I’ve transformed my life. I’ve been a professional singer all my life. I don’t know anything about business, and the idea of starting an online business scared me. But, that’s until I met Jack. He really convinced me that an online business is possible for anybody as long as you have right guidance. Jack is such a talented, experienced, professional online marketer. He is not just a great marketer, he is also a great teacher, and a great mentor. He is very encouraging, and at the same time, he is very knowledgeable. As a result of his guidance, what I thought wasn’t possible, was made possible. I am now earning over a $1,000 per month of passion income, and I can only see it grow from this point. So, thank you so much, Jack!
Rex Wee

My Credentials

Certified Social Marketing Specialist – Awarded by Hootsuite on August 10, 2017 (View certification here)

Certified Direct-Response Copywriting Specialist – Awarded by Digital Marketer on March 05, 2018 (View certification here)

Certified Search Marketing Specialist – Awarded by Digital Marketer on July 07, 2018 (View certification here)

Certified Content Marketing Specialist – Awarded by Digital Marketer on July 13, 2018 (View certification here)

A Little More About My Personal Life

I’m married to my best friend whom I’ve known all my life, and we are blessed with 2 beautiful children. My favourite pastime is to watch my wife bake her favourite bread and cookies for our children.

Don’t Know Where to Get Started?

Take this FREE Online Business Crash Course that will share with you…

  • The best online business model to get started if you don’t own a product or have no experience whatsoever;
  • A break down of what you need to know about this business model before you get started;
  • A success formula of this business model that has helped thousands of ordinary people find success;